Horus Heritage Services Apps

Horus Condition Report 2.1.15
Horus Condition Report is a mobile application designed to drawupcondition reports for artworks and historical artifacts. Itwasdesigned to address the specific needs ofconservationprofessionals, museum curators, and art collectors. The1st try isfree, then choose between 3 versions of the app "Basic "or"Advanced"or "Pro". Please contact us to upgrade your app.Theaccurate and detailed condition reports can be illustratedwithannotated pictures and photos. These reports include: - onepage tospecify the context of the report, to describe and identifytheartifact - annotated pictures to localize the damages -detailedviews of the damages and comments - additional photos fortheAdvanced and Pro version - one page for recommendations,treatments(Pro version), packing (Pro) and signatures. The reportis storedwithin the app and can then be sent via email or uploadedto acloud. It can be edited by the original author or duplicated(e.g.for handover purposes). Main features: - In-app pictureannotationfor greater clarity and precision with lines, rectangle,area and 2additional tools on the Advanced Version - Automaticextraction ofpicture close-ups, saving time and improving accuracy- Preset listof typical materials and damage types, which can becustomized tomeet your specific needs - Single-device processthroughout. Fromthe pictures to the comments, texts, signatures,and sending out ofthe report, everything is done on site with theobject right underyour eyes. No need for a scanner, graphics tabletor laptop. -Available in French, English, Italian, Spanish, German,Dutch,Swedish, Modern Standard Arabic. Specialized terminology hasbeenapproved by conservation professionals. Pictures areautomaticallystored on your device. Annotated pictures can beextracted as a.jpg file for later use. Excerpts of the reportleaving out thefirst and last pages can also be created for otherconservationdocuments. With Advanced version: - Add 6 photos morewith captions- Easier subsequent condition report of the sameartwork (for arttransport...) - Sort of the documents by the dateor by theaccession number - 2 drawing tools additional - ergonomicoptionsThe Pro version includes: - no limit of photos, - featurestomanage groups of reports, - features to import and export andtoarchive editable reports, to prefill reports and synchronizetheapp with your software for collection management. - import ofdatasin .csv (from Excel by ex.) - treatment report feature-customization of the title - Packing field Our tool is designedtobe: - precise - user-friendly - fast - flexible -affordable.Detailed user's guide available for download on ourwebsite:https://www.horus-conditionreport.com